Arkansas Assessors’ Fall Conference 2013

Oct 30th, 20131 Comment



Arkansas Assessors, stop by EFS GeoTechnologies’ booth at the upcoming Fall Assessors’ Conference at the Double Tree Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas, November 5-8.  Auddy Doss and Michael Gilbert will be attending the conference and will be available each day to discuss your Aerial Photography and GIS/Mapping needs. For over 26 years  EFS has provided High Resolution Aerial Photography and GIS services.  EFS is your LOCAL in state provider of these services and count it an honor to work with Arkansas Counties in designing a program for Aerial Photography and GIS.  Along with Aerial Photography be sure to ask about updates to EFS EDGE and our new EFS EDGE Mobile app.  EDGE allows for the sharing of GIS data across multiple county offices and provides options for the maintenance of your Parcel maps and other GIS data.  The EDGE website was designed especially for Arkansas counties. The EDGE Mobile app can be configured as a mobile solution for your staff as well as an avenue to share your work with county constituents.  Auddy and Michael look forward to having the time to visit with friends and hope to make new friends as well.


EFS GeoTechnologies is an Aerial Photography and GIS Services company based in Monticello, Arkansas. To learn more about EFS please visit  Also, to receive updates from EFS you can follow them at Facebook and Twitter.

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